Industrija Vesti

karakteristike cevi od fiberglasa


Theformiranje prozora od stakloplastičnih vlakana za očvršćavanje stakloplastike koja je impregnirana smola u fotovoltaičnom toplotnom integrisanom uređaju za polimerizaciju sa visokom brzinom, a zatim se izvlači ili izvlači u kalup.Zbog upotrebe različitih vrsta smola, poznat je kao fiberglass poliester, epoksidni fiberglass i fenolni fiberglass.sve karakteristike i glavne faze su sledeće:


1. Odlična otpornost na koroziju. Fiberglasstube može efikasno da se odupre koroziji kiselina, alkalija, soli i drugih medija i neobrađenih otpadnih voda, korozivnih tla, hemijskih otpadnih voda i mnogih hemijskih tečnosti. Pod normalnim okolnostima, može održati dugoročnu sigurnost.

2.Good aging resistance and heat resistance. Glass fiber tube can be used in the temperature range of -40°C~70°C for a long period of time. Thespecial high temperature resistant resin can also work normally at temperatures above 200°C.

3.good otpornost na mraz. Ispod -20 ° C, u cevima se ne pojavljuju pukotine zamrzavanja.

4. light weight, high strength. Therelative density is between 1.5 and 2.0, only 1/4 to 1/5 of carbon steel, but the tensile strength is close to or even exceeds that of carbon steel, and the specific strength can be compared with that of high-grade alloy steel. Therefore, it has excellent results in aviation, rockets, spacecraft, high-pressure vessels, and other applications that need to reduce its own weight.

6. Dobra otpornost na habanje. Sadrži veliku količinu blata, peska i vode, u cev za ispitivanje upoređivanja rotacije i ispitivanja uticaja. Nakon 3 miliona rotacija, dubina habanja na unutrašnjem zidu epruvete je sledeća: čelične cijevi od 0,53 mm i čelične cijevi od emajla, 0,52 mm za čelične cijevi od epoksidnih i katranskih cijevi, čvrste čelične cijevi. To je 0.21mm. To čini FRP otpornim na habanje.
7.good thermal insulation. FRP is non-conductor, and its electrical insulation is excellent. Theinsulation resistance is between 1012-1015Ω.cm. It is most suitable for use in transmission. Theheat transfer coefficient of glass fiber reinforced plastic area and multi-dose mine area is very small, only 0.23. In five points, the pipeline has excellent insulation properties.

8.small friction resistance, high transmission capacity. Theinner wall of the glass pipe is very smooth, and the roughness and frictional resistance are very small. Thecoefficient of roughness was 0.0084, while the concrete pipe had an n value of 0.014 and a cast iron pipe of 0.013.

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